
Berjaya Mutual Berhad ("Berjaya Mutual") is a subsidiary of Berjaya Capital Berhad. Berjaya Mutual was incorporated in Malaysia on 24 September 1990 under the Companies Act, 1965. The principal business of Berjaya Mutual encompasses the management of unit trust funds and portfolio management.


Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities

The Manager, Berjaya Mutual, is responsible for the overall management and administration of the Funds in line with the Deed, SC’s Guidelines and relevant laws. Its main responsibilities include the following:-

  • Managing the Funds in line with the Funds’ objectives as set out in the Deed
  • Administering the sales/repurchase transactions
  • Issuing reports (interim/annual report) to Unit holders on a timely basis
  • Ensure timely distribution of income or additional units, if any, to Unit holders
  • Maintain proper records of the Funds

The Manager's Delegate

Human Resource Services – Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn Bhd

The Manager (Berjaya Mutual) has appointed Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn Bhd (IPS), its related company, to perform the back-office functions of Human Resource. IPS was incorporated on 30 August 1972 and is a Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad as well as a Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad. IPS ensures that the back-office functions of Human Resource are performed to support the Manager.

Information Technology Services – Litera Learn Resources Sdn Bhd

The Manager (Berjaya Mutual) has appointed Litera Learn Resources Sdn Bhd (Litera Learn) to provide Information Technology (IT) support services which encompasses back-office functions of IT, IT infrastructure support, IT network, IT security and corporate website support. Litera Learn was incorporated on 28 March 2017. Litera Learn ensures that IT support services and IT back office functions are performed to support the Manager.

Internal Audit Services - BDO Governance Advisory Sdn Bhd

The Manager (Berjaya Mutual) has appointed BDO Governance Advisory Sdn Bhd (BDO GA) to perform the internal audit function. BDO GA was incorporated in June 1997. BDO GA provides a wide range of services which includes internal audit function. BDO GA tailored its internal audit practice to assist clients in driving value and evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of operational functions and processes. The roles and responsibilities of BDO GA towards this arrangement shall encompass that of the overall internal audit functions that provides Berjaya Mutual's Board of Directors the assurance it requires regarding the adequacy and integrity of the system of internal controls. The internal audit undertakes periodic reviews of internal control systems and the review of compliance with the business objectives, policies, reporting standards and control procedures of the Manager. BDO GA shall report directly to the Manager's Risk and Compliance Committee and Board of Directors to provide independent assurance, ensure transparency and accountability of reporting.

Fund Valuer – KFin Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

KFin Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“KFintech”) has been appointed to carry out the fund accounting and valuation services for the funds and private mandates managed by the Manager (Berjaya Mutual). KFintech was incorporated in Malaysia on 8 March 2016 and commenced business on 25 April 2016. KFintech is registered as a private limited company to provide fund accounting and valuation services to asset management or investment management companies, with its business address at Suite 6.2, Level 6, Menara IMC, No. 8 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

In providing the above services, KFintech will be supported by KFintech’s affiliate entity, KFin Technologies Limited (“KTL”) in India, in the processing of daily fund administration transactions.

Roles and duties of the fund valuer

The fund valuer is responsible for performing the valuation of the investments, maintaining financial accounting records of portfolios including all transaction data, records, and investment ledgers, and the computation of the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) of the funds and private mandates in accordance with the requirements of the prospectus/information memorandum of the funds, the Deed and the respective investment management agreement of the private mandates. The fund valuer will report to the Manager at the end of each business day on the NAV of the funds and private mandates including the daily purchases and sales transactions, and stock holding report. The report will be sent to the Manager via fax, email and/or other method as agreed by both parties.

Registrar and Transfer Agent - KFin Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

KFin Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“KFintech”) has been appointed to carry out the Registrar and Transfer Agency services by the Manager (Berjaya Mutual). KFintech was incorporated in Malaysia on 8 March 2016 and commenced business on 25 April 2016. KFintech is registered as a private limited company to provide registrar and transfer agency services to asset management or investment management companies, with its business address at Suite 6.2, Level 6, Menara IMC, No. 8 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Roles and duties of the registrar and transfer agent

KFintech’s roles and duties include maintaining the register of unit holders, transaction processing, reconciliation and, upon instruction from Berjaya Mutual to assist in preparing relevant communication to investors. Certain processes for the abovementioned duties are further sub-delegated to KFintech’s affiliate entity, KFin Technologies Limited (“KTL”) in India.

Basic Plan


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  • Free 15 GB Linux Hosting
  • 24/7 system Monitoring
  • unlimited Download Data

Up to 10 users + 1.99 per user

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  • Branding and design Identity
  • Web site Marketing Solutions
  • Free 15 GB Linux Hosting
  • 24/7 system Monitoring
  • unlimited Download Data

Up to 10 users + 1.99 per user

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Lnteger sapien nec sapien sollicitudin ultrices Cras tempor id lorem et

  • Branding and design Identity
  • Web site Marketing Solutions
  • Free 15 GB Linux Hosting
  • 24/7 system Monitoring
  • unlimited Download Data

Up to 10 users + 1.99 per user

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